Thursday, May 15, 2008


Today i was able to go through the temple and if you've been through you know how spiritual it is and how much at peace you feel when your there. I was so happy and i have never felt better in my life! it was so great. I was able to have my dad, sister, and my brother and his wife join me in this wonderful experience. i was extreamly grateful they could be there to support me in my decision. I can't wait till i can get married there, just to know that i'll have my family forever and all eternity. I'm definitely planning on going a couple of more times before i leave for my mission.


MaydayParadeRocks said...

yea!! first comment! congrats on going through the temple. only 27 days left til you leave...

Aer said...

Good to hear it!!! Congrats and remember to take pitcures of penquins for me on your mission!!!
On P-days of course...

Tammy said...

Congratulations Rock! I am so proud of you!! I love being in the Temple and feeling the spirit so strong. Remember to write down your feelings and experiances you had yesterday in the Temple in your journal. You will be so glad you did when you look and read back. This is a day you don't want to forget. We are so proud of you!!